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These very junior doctors have a message for Jeremy Hunt

What’s better than a junior doctor? A junior junior doctor!

With the threat of junior doctors’ strikes looming, one group of patriotic young Britons has taken up the challenge of tending to the nation’s poorly in unsociable hours for no money: step forward the junior junior doctors.

Eighteen London children aged between six and twelve years old gathered in Limehouse Town Hall, east London during half term to learn the basics of junior doctoring from their striking elders.

After a long day of tuition in all the skills needed to run a busy A&E department over a weekend with no sleep  – including suturing, bandaging and even minor operations – the young medics came to a conclusion: Being a junior doctor is hard, and they probably deserve good working conditions.

So they decided to tell Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt in writing and in person.

Here’s what Jaid wrote:

The junior junior doctors jumped a train to Westminster, hoping to give their letters to the Health Secretary (and ready to carry out any emergency medical interventions that should arise along the way).

But when they got to the Department of Healt, they weren't even allowed in the front door, which seemed a bit...rude.

Still, the junior junior doctors got there letters delivered, and are now awaiting a response. Your move Jeremy.

Watch the video of Junior Junior Doctor Camp:

Junior Junior Doctors | London 2016 from Disobedient on Vimeo.

For more info go to All images are ©Immo Klink, ©Marco Godoy, ©Disobedient Films under CC-BY-ND.

In the particle of me that cares for this, I betrayed those little atoms with a kiss